Welcome To Readiprint Fashions Wholesale Website
Readiprint Fashions

Frequently Asked Questions

Minimum purchase:
To be eligible for wholesale price purchase -
1. Minimum 10 sets need to be bought at a time. (Set price will be applicable)
2. For loose pieces minimum order quantity will be 25 loose pieces. (Loose piece price will be applicable)
3. Single piece/Single size orders for items already purchased in past also supplied. (Loose piece price will be applicable) No minimum qty's for that.

Single Piece orders:
Single piece can be bought for items which you have purchased in past as full sets. (subject to availability).

Time to ship:
Please allow 24-48 hours to get you shipment ready.

Shipping Cost:
Shipping cost is additional. Based on destination (within India or International shipping), sales team will work out shipping cost based on total weight and update you separately.

Special Packing:
Special Packing like Thermacol lining, 7 ply cartons will be charged extra. Please request for these once an order is made.

Personnel Brand labels:
Personnel Brand labels can be applied if order qty is 300+ pcs. There is extra cost of Rs. 25 per label.

Payment by Credit card:
For international orders only, Payment by credit card is accepted but then there will be 3.5% credit card payment fee that you have to pay extra. (over and above your order value)

GST on International orders:
GST is not applicable for international orders, but credit card payment fee, special packaging charges are applicable.

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(Overall 10 Sets)

Single Size Supplied
in Repeat


1500+ Women Kurta Sets & Co-ords

500+ Girls

250+ Boys